The Rare Books Department conserves of a wide range of bound materials to ensure the stabilization and functionality of each piece.
The Rare Books Department preserves bound materials and takes great care to ensure the structural integrity of each volume. The Rare Books department treats damage to the pages, covers, spines, and bindings of early to modern books and bibles, as well as historic scrapbooks, manuscripts, and photo albums.
The majority of treatments in this department begin with the stabilization of the book to ensure it can continue to be used safely. Stabilization includes treatments such as re-sewing the textblock, replacement hinges, and consolidation of leather or book cloth that may be delaminating from the covers and spine.
More complex, cosmetic book restorations include the fabrication of new spines and covers, the refurbishment of existing covers, and the construction of custom-made clamshell boxes and archival housing.